22. Model Exam Paper IX

Government College of Teacher Education, Thiruvananthapuram
Second Semester BEd. Degree Model Examination, October 2013
(Restructured)B- Optional Subjects : ENGLISH
Paper IX : Modern Instructional Strategies - English
 Time : 2 Hours                                                                          Max  50 Marks
 I Answer two questions (not exceeding  three pages each):
1. Choose any unit prescribed for study at the secondary level in the SCERT Course
    Book and suggest appropriate learner-centred activities.
2. “Acquiring a language means to communicate confidently and naturally”. How can
      this be achieved using the  SCERT Course Book prescribed for study at the
      Secondary level? Illustrate.
3. Comment on the grammar tasks included in the SCERT Course Book prescribed for
     the Secondary level.
4. “An objective and meaningful system of testing and evaluation makes teaching  and
      learning of a second language a pleasant experience”. Illustrate with reference to the
      Secondary level  SCERT Course Book.
                                                                                                                (8 X 2 =16 Marks)                           
II Answer six questions (not exceeding one page each):
5. What are the characteristics of good handwriting?
6. Write short notes on the mechanics of reading.
7. What are the sub skills to be tested in ‘speaking’?
8. What are Objective Tests? Give examples of four types of Objective type Tests.
9. Illustrate with examples Gagne’s ‘Chaining’, ‘Verbal Association’ and ‘Concept
    Learning’ with regard to L2 learning.
10. “The general goal of inquiry training is to help students to develop the intellectual
        discipline and skills necessary to have questions and stem out answers  from their
        memory” Illustrate the use of this model in the English class room with  an example.
11. Write down the syntax of the Concept Attainment Model illustrating it with the
       teaching of a language item.
12. “The Constructivist class room makes use of primary and raw resources and attempts
        to integrate experiential learning” – Illustrate with reference to L2 learning.
13. What are the qualities of a good text book?
14. Comment on the value of tests and examinations.
                                                                                                              (4 X 6 = 24 Marks)
III Answer all questions in one or two sentences each
15. Mention two principles of curriculum construction.
16. How does purposeful selective listening help the learner?
17. What is the nurturant effect of  the Concept Attainment Model?
18. Give an example of Mnemonic strategy with reference to learning English.
19. Suggest an activity to develop thinking skills in English.
20. What is ‘scanning’ in reading ?
21. Explain Free role play.
22. Why should we give home work for pupils?
23. Suggest any  problem-solving task that can be given on an  Unit  of your  choice  from
      the Standard IX  Course Book.
24. Suggest a suitable ‘advance organizer’ for teaching the reading passage,  The Mice That
      Set The Elephant Free (SCERT Course Book for Standard VIII)             (1 X 10 =10 Marks)
